Monday, March 3, 2008

Microphone Selection Part I

I love the tech guys at my church. They are always willing to work hard, and put in the time necessary to "make it happen." After yesterday's rehearsal I noticed that the saxophone had been mic'd with a kick drum microphone and the overhead microhphone on the aux. percussion was a beta 58. Something hit me in that moment, "My guys don't understand how to choose the correct microphone for the job." So, in the pursuit of helping my own team out and all of you out in "blogland," I will be writing a series on microphone selection, placement, eq, and dynamic processing (i.e. compressors & gates). Please let me first start off by saying that there are many different opinions on how to do things. I am only presenting what has worked for me. I'd be happy to hear from any of you who have tips and tricks that work.

Tomorrow we will start to look at what types of microphones are available to today's technical artist.

Until tomorrow...

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