Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Joys of Technical Directing...

For the last two years I've had the privileged of being the technical director for the Transforming Churches Conference. Ever since I have stepped out of the live production management/audio engineering gig to transition into my current role as the pastor of worship at Beachpoint the conference provides me with the opportunity to exercise some of my other gifts. Who knows, maybe some day I'll be back in the "biz" again. Here's my top ten list for the needed qualities to be an excellent TD.
  1. Creative
  2. Problem Solver
  3. Organized/Detail Oriented
  4. People Person
  5. See's where the problem is before it's there
  6. Self-starter
  7. Willing to work incredibly long hours
  8. Makes sure the creative vision becomes a reality
  9. Focus
  10. Sense of Urgency

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